Welcome to qusp’s documentation!

A package for working with quasar spectra.

Here is an example recipe for calculating the median signal to noise in the lya forest for quasar targets:

# rest frame lya forest limits
rest_wave_min = qusp.wavelength.Wavelength(1040)
rest_wave_max = qusp.wavelength.Wavelength(1190)
for target, spectrum in qusp.target.get_combined_spectra(targets):
    # determine the observed frame forest window
    obs_wave_min = rest_wave_min.observed(target['z'])
    obs_wave_max = rest_wave_max.observed(target['z'])
    # get the median sn in the forest window
    forest_sn = spectrum.median_signal_to_noise(obs_wave_min, obs_wave_max)

The target module provides support for reading target lists:

# parse target list with ra, dec, and z attributes, example line:
#   1234-56789-109 87.6 54.3 2.1
targets = qusp.target.load_target_list('quasars.txt',
    fields=[('ra', float, 1), ('dec', float, 2), ('z', float, 3)])

The filter.py utility makes it east to create target lists from a catalog file:

$ examples/filter.py -i spAll-v5_7_0.fits \
    --select "(['OBJTYPE'] == 'QSO') & (['Z'] > 2.1)" \
    --annotate 'ra:dec:z' --save quasars.txt --verbose

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